We are happy to launch the new controller V2.0

One Goal : we don't want to use a computer near the water !

The new functions :

  • Status of the DPV is available by a web interface from a mobile, a tablet, etc.
  • New drive function : cruise control
  • Add a double click startup security
  • Adaptative Active-Cooling-System
  • Logging is done on a SDCard (stop data lost when unplug the DPV)
  • Display graph log is available in the web interface
  • Setup speed/motor/battery/calibration with the web interface
  • Trigger simulator to check the speed change without spinning the propeller
  • Automatic update by copying file on SDCard for Controller and VESC
  • Real time data communication by RF with SmartDPV Display (coming soon)
  • Automatic VESC setup with CAN
  • Voltage battery management
  • Online data graph
  • All dpv compatible
  • All battery compatible (12V to 48V)
  • mandatory for the external display (release first semester of 2023)

This new product come with hardware improvement:

  • We split the controller speed and the motor driver.
  • The controller is a dedicated hardware device which communicate with the CAN Bus port with the motor driver (VESC - @VescProject)
  • This controller respect the RF authority rules

Follow us on youtube channel to see tips and tuto.
